Stefan Schwenninger
Welfenstr. 4
73441 Bopfingen
Phone: 0173 - 92 47 87 2
E-Mail: EMail - Adresse
Terms of Participation:
General Terms:
Marketing rights:
The marketing of the event is subject only to the organizer. Every participant conveys the digital copyright and the marketing right to the organizer by his signature on the application confirmation.
Sales- and Craftsmen:
For Sales- and Craftsmen there is power supply available. However, they should be used only when really necessary to preserve the historic character of the event. The organizer reserves the right to reduce the power supply when they are overused.
Soldier Groups and Single Persons:
The era to be depicted is about 1634. The participants have to wear clothes that are adequate and correct. Other epochs and eras, fantasy costumes or similar are not allowed.
Important: There is no power supply for the camp site!
“modern” things like glass bottles, things made of plastic/synthetics, beverage cans, tetra packs, watches, modern jewellery and so on are only allowed inside of the tents – that means not visible for the public to prevent the historic character of the campsite.
The smoking of cigarettes is only allowed inside of a tent or at the back of a tent (I.e. Not visible for the public); the smoking of historic correct pipes is allowed.
Before and during the fights the use and abuse of alcohol is prohibited!
The campsite will be organized by military hierarchical structures. The campsite has to fill in its vacant positions. This is to be settled at the military examination. The campsite can be toured by visitors under an expert guidance 3-4 times a day. Apart from that the campsite is not accessible for visitors.
To the campsite a historic sales- and craftsmen market will be connected as well as the catering for the visitors.
Noncompliance or violation of law possibly lead to exclusion from the event.
Gun bearers and cannoneers have to provide and present a valid and original permission according to §27 of the german law about explosive substances. The weapons must be licensed and bear a valid seal.
Before and during shooting actions the use and abuse of alcohol is prohibited.
Noncompliance or violation of law possibly lead to exclusion from the event.
Needs of straw, hey, feeding stuff and so on have to be brought with you. If there are any questions, please ask the organizer.
Gastronomy / Catering:
For catering and gastronomy there are power, water and drain supplies. There are contracts with several breweries and so all beverages have to be purchased from them. Liquors and wine cane be purchased freely. If there are any questions, please ask the organizer.
Musicians and Jugglers:
There will be no stages. The performances and shows are to be done all over the event site. If there are any questions, please ask the organizer.